Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I'm a Gee-knee-us and I have grate vokabulairy

So, I haven't written in here in a while, and I probably won't for another while after this. I just wanted to add this comment that I viewed today because it's another utterly ridiculous one. I promise I don't intend for comments by random idiots to be the only thing I write about, or maybe I do because that is a pretty kick-ass idea. There are plenty of them out there.
But anyway, the context for this quote was that it was provided under a Cracked article that has to do with things that parents do for their child's best interests that end up harming them instead. One of the items it speaks of is sending children to school early because it has been shown in a study, that the writer provides a link for, that they are more likely to drop out of college, smoke weed, and have anxiety. This was item number four on the list, causing this challenged individual to spout off:
"#4 is flawed I may be an outlier but i started school at 3 and i test at a genius level with the vocabulary of a graduate student. This is just anecdotal evidence and thus unsubstanchated but a counter example know the less."
First of all, I'm not sure if it is just me, but "outlier" seems like one of the douchiest ways you could say outcast. It makes it seem like he is trying too much. Just use the word other people use for it.
Secondly, do you know what's unsubstanchated? Nothing. Because that's not a word, you giant tool.
We can still understand your argument, even past the fact that you turned nonetheless into proof of the fact that you "know less" than you claim (get it?) so we can still understand that you are saying it is just anecdotal, even when the writer clearly provided a link to the STUDY that provided the information he talks about. Do yourself a favor and never call yourself a genius with great vocabulary again, because you'll inevitably follow it up with a spelling error that a ten year old could point out and an illogical, nonsensical argument that has nothing to do with the subject matter.
You apparently missed the point of what they were talking about. They didn't say that kids who start school early are dumb or that they lack in vocabulary skills, but I say we start a study on that solely based on the fact that you exist.
After doing a little more research, i.e. looking at their profile on cracked. There are only two lines of information that they provided. One of these was about tacos and promised "garenteed satifaction." The other was his response to location:
"A fourth dementaional pocket in the space time continuem"
Ohhh... I see what the problem is. The fourth dementaion has improved upon the spelling of the measly third dimension.
Well, it's either that or the fact that you meant to say that you have the vocabulary of a preschool graduate student.
Please, for the love of God, prove this study wrong for yourself and stay in school.

Monday, October 26, 2009

God Hates Costumes and Candy

So. I've never done the whole blog thing. I decided to do it today however because of this ridiculous series of comments under a Happy Tree Friends Halloween episode on youtube.

holycrossftw (18 hours ago)
Halloween is against god, I hate you and everything you stand for.
ghoulliver257 (18 hours ago)
i seriously hope youre just joking. isnt hate supposed to be a sin? i thought that god was supposed to teach you to love your fellow men. talk about a bunch of hipocrites. at least be honest and say that holloween is against the church, not god. cause at the end the thing you actually believe in is the church
AdamJRawlins (13 hours ago)
Halloween isn't against God. I'm a Christian, and I celebrated it as a kid, and I still go to the occasional party. To each his own, I guess. I like having fun on Halloween, other people like hiding in their basements making waffles.
turdshitpenistitty (13 hours ago)
dude god is a fucking fake douchebag who isnt real so just fuck off with you faggotty christian shit
TheHellcatsAreHere (12 hours ago)
with a display name like that, who's going to take you seriously anyway? for the record, i also like halloween. it means free candy

Endangered Species Newest Addition: the Homosapien
This is the best display of how humanity is rapidly declining that I could even imagine, let alone actually witness. First, let's focus on how this is all under a Happy Tree Friends video. What is a Jesus-freak doing watching HTF anyway? Shouldn't you be offended more by the fact that this show routinely features things like bunnies getting ass-raped by shrapnel than the fact that the cartoon character is dressed up as a zombie to celebrate Halloween, a holiday that manages to turn this:
Into this:
It's not as if very many people celebrate the initial reasons for Halloween anymore, or for any other holiday for that matter. We basically celebrate dressing up and free candy for Halloween just like we celebrate fireworks, glowsticks, and barbecues on the 4th of July, and bunnies and eggs on Easter. There are very few people that actually appreciate the original meaning behind any of the holidays anymore, so why don't you focus your hatred on those people and not the 5 year olds dressed as fairies that come to your door. You're probably one of those people that sits with the TV blasting and all the lights on, just to let everyone know that you're home, but you'd rather listen to the "heathens" pressing your doorbell all night than put a sign out saying you don't have any candy. But enough about the idiocy of saying Halloween is against god.

Let's move on to turdshitpenistitty. Now this fine specimen of human being is so clever with their word choice that my roommate and I had to applaud them for it. It just rolls off the tongue. They could have chosen the less satisfying turdpissdickboob, but he/she took time creating his username and I commend them for it. This person obviously took a lot of time putting together their comment as well. Because let's face it...
"dude god is a fucking fake douchebag who isnt real so just fuck off with you faggotty christian shit"
is just about the best spoken argument anyone has ever used. turdshitpenistitty wins this argument, hands down.

So that's it for my first post. But I'm sure I will find other things to rant about soon.